- Download MySQL latest version
- Install MySQL, if you are using windows run the .msi installer. You can select a typical installation or a complete one (depends on your disk space).
Server Setup:- Developer machine (you are going to use it to develop)
- Multifunctional Database (unless you know exactly what you are going to use it for)
- For a developer machine you can select the OLAP option
- Port Number – it suggests 3306. Make sure to add a firewall exception to this port.
- I installed MySQL as a windows service. You can choose not to do so if you don’t want MySQL to start on startup.
- Leave default root password empty and enter you new password (don’t forget it)
- Now that you have MySQL database installed, create a new DB to work on.
Go to Start --> Programs --> MySQL --> MySQL command line client.
In the cmd that it opens, type the password you used in the installation, and enter the following command:
Create database [MyDB];
An example can be seen bellow: - Download and install Toad for MySQL (freeware)
- Open Toad and create new connection. You can use either root (the default user) or create a new user. If you want to use a user that is not the root, use the CREATE command as explained in MySQL site.
Now your DB is ready and Toad is setup.